LAMY Z27 & Z28 Converters: What's the Difference?

LAMY Z27 and Z28 cartridge/converters

There are two different LAMY cartridge/converters currently out there -- the black Z27 and the red Z28. They're very similar, with a few subtleties that could make the difference in which fountain pens are compatible.

You can watch our video here, or keeping scrolling on down for lots more details, including a table of which pens are compatible with these converters.


What are the differences between the Z27 and the Z28?

The LAMY Z27 converter has a black piston knob, while the LAMY Z28 converter has a red piston knob.

The LAMY Z28 converter has the addition of two small pegs, which fit securely into the grooves on some of the more entry-level LAMY pen models including the safari, AL-star, joy, vista, and more. 

LAMY Z28 cartridge/converter

LAMY Z28 converter being inserted into a LAMY safari fountain pen

Because of these additional pegs, the Z28 converter will not fit into other LAMY fountain pen models that do not have these grooves.

The Z27 is more universally compatible with all LAMY cartridge/converter fountain pens. Any pen that can accept the Z28 converter can also accept the Z27 converter.

Close-up of the LAMY Z28 converter in a pen

Close-up view of the LAMY Z28 converter firmly seated in a LAMY safari fountain pen


A quick historical note. The LAMY Z28 converter used to be called the Z24, and the LAMY Z27 converter used to be called the Z26. These converters were redesigned slightly in 2016 when the names changed.  


What's the difference between the current Z28 and the older Z24?

The silver band was added to the Z28 with the name change in 2016, and the plastic reservoir itself became more clear. It used to be a bit more opaque/cloudy in appearance.

A small black metal part was also added to the end where it connects, but it doesn't make a difference really with how it fits. All the changes were more aesthetic in nature.

LAMY Z28 cartridge/converter

LAMY Z28 cartridge/converter


What's the difference between the current Z27 and the older Z26?

Just a minor aesthetic change. The silver band was added to the Z27 with the name change in 2016.

LAMY Z27 cartridge/converter

LAMY Z27 cartridge/converter


Which fountain pens will accept each converter?

Only LAMY fountain pens will accept LAMY cartridge/converters, as they are a proprietary size. Every LAMY fountain pen, with the exception of the 2000, is a cartridge/converter filling pen and can accept at least one of these converters.

Here's a quick breakdown by model:

 LAMY Pen Model Z27 Z28
abc Yes Yes
accent Yes No
aion Yes No
AL-star Yes Yes
cp1 Yes No
dialog 3 Yes No
dialog cc Yes No
ideos Yes No
imporium Yes No
joy Yes Yes
logo Yes No
Lx Yes Yes
nexx Yes Yes
safari Yes Yes
scala Yes No
studio Yes Yes
vista Yes Yes


The LAMY Z27 and Z28 cartridge/converters have the same ink capacity and are similar in overall appearance. The biggest differences are the colors (black for the Z27 and red for the Z28), and the Z28 has the additional pegs to help it fit securely in some pen models and not at all in others.

If you'd like to learn more about how to fill your LAMY fountain pen with a converter, just click the link.

We hope this article was helpful!