I have gotten 2, maybe 3, of these packs (selections, bags?) and I am always happy with what I get. The selection usually contains a wide variety of colors, brands, and ink characteristics, so I get some that I love and others that I use up and don't think much about again (mostly the former!) For example, my latest bag contained a nice blend of commonly encountered colors and a selection of bright, snappy options that I might have overlooked otherwise. I've already added one to my wish list for my next order and found another that looks like it could be a replacement for an ink that is no longer available that I loved using.
It is a "grab-bag", as we used to say when I was a kid, but if you prefer the term "blind box", that works too! You'll get fun variety every time. There is enough in each vial to fill a standard pen (say a Lamy Safari) at least once, so you'll get good mileage from each sample, but if you don't like one or two, it's not enough ink to worry about :) Give those to someone you know who writes with good pens and forget about it.
I enjoy having a wide variety of inks in small volumes to play with that I would not otherwise have spent 15-25 USD on a full bottle, so for me, this is a win-win. When I use one up, it's just an opportunity to try the next :) And as far as finding inks I liked and ended up buying the bottle of, we're just not going to talk about that...
For those finding the vials a bit difficult to fill from directly, try using the syringe that they sell on this site. I use this method to extract all of the ink from the sample vial and then fill my converter. Fill the syringe, remove the converter, and fill it with the irrigation 'needle' - no ink on your fingers, no ink wasted. You will get a full fill and be able to extract all of the ink from the vial every time.