Cool Trick for Greasing a LAMY 2000 Piston
If you have a LAMY 2000 or any other piston-filling fountain pen that doesn't easily disassemble on the piston-end, then you will benefit greatly from learning this handy little tip for greasing up your piston seal. It doesn't take long to do, and can make your pen feel brand new.
Essentially, you're just unthreading the nib unit (or the grip, in the LAMY 2000's case), and swabbing the inside of the ink chamber with a cotton swab coated with a very thin layer of silicone grease. This works well for the Lamy, as well as Pelikans and other piston pens that have easily removable nibs (but not easily removable pistons).
If you have a 2000, be sure to keep this tip in mind to keep your pen up and writing for years to come.